Qualifizierte/r Gästeführer/in mit Zertifikat DIN EN 15565 (EU-Standard)
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Düsseldorfer Stadtführer e.V.
Düsseldorf’s Celebrities from Past to Present
Sa. 19.03.2022 16:00 bis 17:00
Mühlenstraße 34, 40213 Düsseldorf
Treffpunkt: Andreasquartier
Gästeführer/in: Steffi Buss
Who has been making Düsseldorf into what it is? Meet some of the city's most iconic characters that rule(d) arts, business and local food specialties.
According to the latest Covid regulation, guided tours can continue to take place.
Participants must be fully vaccinated (2G).
There is no mandatory limit on the number of participants, but we recommend groups of no more than 20 people.
Spenden erwünscht für:
Our guided tours for the International Tourist Guide Day are free of charge.
However, as monument sponsors, we look after a marble bench by Peter Behrens and ask for donations for its preservation.
Antje Kahnt
Tel.: +491772497391
Düsseldorfer Stadtführer e.V.
Feldstr. 7
40479 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211-3830310