Das Serviceportal des BVGD

Ein Service des BVGD

BVGD - Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e. V.

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Copyright Fotos: Karolin Rohmer

IG der Gästeführer im Aischgrund

The Huguenot city of Erlangen and its sprecial features incl. closing drink

Fr. 02.05.2025 15:00 bis 16:30

Entrance Huguenot's Church

Preis pro Person: 17,50 €

Gästeführer: Karolin Rohmer


You are invited to find out how Erlangen's success story came about during my entertaining guided tour through my home town - one of Germany's best preserved and Bavaria's one and only planned town!

I look forward to welcoming you soon!

Karolin Rohmer

English- and German Language Certified Tour Guide
Graduate Communications Manager

P.S.: Benefit from a 10% early bird booking & register to get your tickets via go.rohmer.rocks/registrationKRtours (link in my bio) alt. via email info@karolinrohmer.com ahead of the tour, thank you!

Zum Profil dieses Gästeführers

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