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BVGD - Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e. V.

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Copyright Fotos: Karolin Rohmer

IG der Gästeführer im Aischgrund

Mystical Full Moon Tour To Erlangen's Darker Side

Do. 13.02.2025 19:00 bis 20:30

Statue in front of the Palace of Erlangen at Schlossplatz

Preis pro Person: 14,50 € ‐ Maximale Teilnehmer: 15

Gästeführer: Karolin Rohmer


On the night of the full moon, the city of Erlangen unfolds a mystical magic. Mysterious outlines emerge from the darkness, familiar buildings appear strange and unusual. The glow of the moon shows history and stories in a completely different light. Stories about Erlangen's darker sides and forgotten secrets make this tour through the city an unforgettable experience.

I look forward to welcoming you soon!

Karolin Rohmer

Certified Tour Guide
Graduate Communications Manager

P.S: Please be invited to register & get your tickets via go.rohmer.rocks/registrationKRtours (link in my bio) alt. via email info@karolinrohmer.com ahead of the tour, thank you!Erlangen - a city of superlatives!

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