Das Serviceportal des BVGD

Ein Service des BVGD

BVGD - Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e. V.

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Copyright Fotos: Karolin Rohmer

IG der Gästeführer im Aischgrund

Inspirational tour to Erlangen's international & regional Greats' final resting places

Fr. 18.04.2025 15:30 bis 17:00

Entrance Cemetry of Neustädter Kirche Erlangen

Preis pro Person: 12,50 € ‐ Maximale Teilnehmer: 15

Gästeführer: Karolin Rohmer


On the occasion of Good Friday and the forthcoming Easter time, be invited to join the search of historical traces Erlangen's international and regional Greats in the three-part cemetery in Erlangen Neustadt, where people from all over the world regularly make a pilgrimage for paying their respects.

I look forward to welcoming you soon!

Karolin Rohmer

Certified Tour Guide
Graduate Communications Manager

P.S.: Please be invited to register & get your tickets via go.rohmer.rocks/registrationKRtours (link in my bio) alt. via email info@karolinrohmer.com ahead of the tour, thank you!

Zum Profil dieses Gästeführers

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