IG der Gästeführer im Aischgrund
Inspirational journey to the final resting place of Erlangen's international & regional greats
Fr. 18.04.2025 15:00 bis 16:30
Entrance Cemetry of Neustädter Kirche Erlangen
Preis pro Person: 12,00 € ‐ Maximale Teilnehmer: 15
Gästeführer: Karolin Rohmer
Please make sure to register & get your tickets via info@karolinrohmer.com ahead of the tour, thank you!
On the occasion of Good Friday and the forthcoming Easter, be invited to join the search of historical traces in the three-part cemetery in Erlangen Neustadt, where people from all over the world regularly make a pilgrimage for paying their respects to international and regional greats.
I look forward to welcoming you soon!
Karolin Rohmer
Certified Tour Guide
Graduate Communications Manager
Zum Profil dieses Gästeführers
Copyright Fotos: Stadt ER / Karolin Rohmer