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BVGD - Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e. V.

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Copyright Fotos: J.D. Kähler

IG herzo GästeFührer

An introduction to the half-timber-framed houses in Herzogenaurach:
A guided walk in English

Please contact me if you would like to book a guided tour.

Nürnberger-Tor-Platz, Ritzgasse

Preis pro Führung: 75,00 € ‐ Maximale Teilnehmer: 20

Gästeführer: Julie Dawn Kähler


Herzogenaurach is part of the German Half-Timber-Framed-House Road, which runs from the river Elbe to the Black Forest through eight federal states and is divided into eight regional routes. Herzogenaurach is part of the Franconian route: “Genuss mit Wein und Bier” – “Delights with wine and beer”.

The old town centre is full of Franconian history and herzoGästeführer tour guide Julie Kähler is ready to introduce you to some of Herzogenaurach’s picture-perfect timber-framed architecture during a short walk around the town. One example is the Beneficiary Spital, a late medieval building that now houses the town’s museum.

Many of the buildings were once rendered because plasterwork can cover a multitude of sins, and these are laid bare in timber-framed buildings. The trained eye can notice every construction detail, any changes that have been made, any patching up and repair job.
Our guided walk looks at the development of the framed wall, structural design issues, and various construction details.
The guided tour starts at the market square, St George’s fountain.

Duration: approx. 90 minutes

Zum Profil dieser Gästeführerin

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